As Knights of Columbus, our mission has been the same since our inception: charity, unity and brotherhood. As part of that mission, we constantly strive to find new ways to serve our parish, our families, and our community. Through our community programs we strive to help the sick, disabled, and hungry. These programs include:

  • Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville
  • Murci-Homes Inc
  • Ladies of Charity
  • Support for our semenarians and clergy
  • Grill And Chill family event
  • Superbowl Chili Cookoff
  • Ministry Fair hosting
  • Room in the Inn participation and hosting
  • Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers, and greeters
  • and many other programs designed to aid those in need.

We welcome anyone who would wish to participate right along side us. Charity is the heart of our organization and we desire to have fellow Christians participate and learn what it means to be a Knight of Columbus.

For more information on how you can help, please contact Jeff Halm and request dates and times of upcoming events related to your community.